services - 23 may 2014

Making a portable GM Plant!

In order to test large Process Tool equipment a formal Buy-off and System Acceptance Test (SAT) is required at the Supplier's Build Shop.

The Problem: The tooling needs to be in the GM Assemblt Plant to be completely tested under all consitions.

The Solution: Bring the GM Assembly Plant to the Supplier's Build Shop.

GM doesn't have a portable Plant?

Necessity is the Mother-of-Invention, this tool did not exist, and we were looking at another long start-up of testing tools on a holiday weekend in a remote plant.

Let's design and build one!

So we designed a portable GM Assembly Plant that could be taken to the Supplier's Build Shop. Complete with an SEP Cell Controller, SEP Actions Error Proofing Station, and enough I/O to simulate any interaction required.

This idea would later lead to a new request from GM, "Can you make a Windows App capable of doing this for our Strategic Suppliers?"
Why yes we can.

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